Year 4 Staff

Mrs Laura Bailey

Mrs Laura Bailey

Year 4 Teacher

Mrs Susan Heppolette

Mrs Susan Heppolette

Year 4 TA

Mrs Charlotte Smith

Mrs Charlotte Smith



Welcome to Year 4




Useful Documents for Year 4 Parents

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The Year 4 classes are called Koalas and Pandas. 

PE days for the Koalas are Monday and Thursday this term. 

PE days for the Pandas are Wednesday and Thursday this term. Please come to school in your PE kits on these days.

Homework will be sent out on a Wednesday and is expected back in on or before the following Tuesday. 

Spelling and times tables tests will be completed within English and Maths lessons on a Thursday. 

Please refer to the information in the front of your child's reading diary to find out more about our reading offer. please bring them to school each day and ensure your diaries are signed when you have read at home.





By the end of Year 4 you are expected to know all of your tables up to X 12. Please log on to Times Tables Rock Stars for 5 minutes daily for your homework. We are on the automated setting so you will need to be secure and accurate with your answers before you can move on to the next level. You will find your login details at the front of your reading diaries.  

For information on our wider curriculum please refer to the knowledge organisers on the school website and the handouts shared during Meet the Teacher.