Christ Church Walmsley

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Turton Youth Church is for young people aged 11-18 -


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Keeping in Touch

Is a Church School Special?

We like to think so.

We aim to provide an excellent education in an atmosphere which reflects Christian principles and attitudes; where kindness, tolerance, cheerfulness and respect for each other are not only developed but expected and respected.

What Is An Aided School?

Schools fall into two main categories, ‘maintained’ (owned and run by the L.A.) or ‘Voluntary’, in the main church schools, were built independently. Many pioneered education in this country - ours is the second oldest in Bolton.  Some voluntary schools handed the ownership and control to the L.A. becoming Voluntary Controlled schools.  Others preferred, whilst receiving provision, to continue to own and manage their school - such schools are known as Voluntary Aided schools. Ours is this type of school.

Aided status maintains the right of parents to have their children educated in a school where the Christian faith is taught, and its values and standards upheld.  A majority of the Governors are, whilst representative of many professions, practising Christians appointed by the church.  They appoint and employ the staff, and are responsible for ensuring that the school runs not only on sound educational, but Christian principles. The school has close connections with Christ Church, Walmsley.  The Governors own the school in trust for that church.  The privilege of Aided status presents the Governors with considerable financial responsibilities, as they were not only required to provide 10% of the cost of our new school, but continue to meet 10% of building repairs and maintenance costs.

The Education Reform Act 1988, also requires the Governors, to be responsible for the financial management of the school's share of the Local Authority budget, covering staffing, educational provision and the maintenance of the interior of the school.  The Governors believe this privilege is worth maintaining, and trust that staff, pupils and parents will accept the responsibility to support and maintain the highest Christian principles and standards at the school.

We are a Church of England Primary School.  Our Church is Christ Church Walmsley - right next to our school.  On a Tuesday morning, Year 1 up to Year 6 gather in our church - Christ Church for collective worship and a Eucharist service, led by Reverend Hannah and the Ethos Group. On a Friday, we enjoy a Celebration Assembly; we celebrate each other's achievements, sing hymns, listen to stories and join in prayer.  Children lead these assemblies, often sharing prayers or re-telling Bible Stories.


Easter Experience

We visit Walmsley Church during Holy Week to learn about the death and resurrection of Jesus. It was a very moving and spiritual experience for everyone involved.