Useful websites to support learning at home.
PhonicsPlay: Click on the free section to access phonics games.
Teach your Monster: Reading games for our younger readers.
Oxford Owl: Choose the Oxford Owl from Home link and you can sign up for free to access free eBooks for 3-11 year olds.
Pobble 365: Changes daily giving a different photograph to provide story writing opportunities.
Literacy Shed: Range of videos which can provide stimulus for writing.
Numbots: Practise number recognition and counting.
TT Rockstars: Practise Times tables.
Hit the Button: Game to practise mental mathematics skills.
10 Ticks: Mental Maths for Year 1 to Year 6.
Please note that children will need to sign on.
Children now have usernames and passwords.
Their username is their first name and password is their surname all lower case. If your child has the same first name as other children in the school then their username will be either : - first name plus first letter of surname or first name plus first two letters of surname.
IOPSpark: A range of practical science experiments which can be done at home.
ReachOut Reporter: Latest scientific news for children.
The Wider Curriculum