As a nurturing, Church of England Primary School, we recognise the core place that RE occupies in relation to our Christian distinctiveness. We are committed to the Christian values that develop a distinctive ethos underpinning the way in which we carry out our work and the way in which our children learn. We believe that we can inspire all members of our school community to achieve their full potential and recognise and respect the variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds that make up our school and community. We actively promote British Values, including respect for and tolerance of different faiths and beliefs.


Our Christian Vision and Values

In our school our Christian vision shapes all we do. Guided by God, we will provide rich, memorable learning experiences which will build character in each individual child.

We will ensure that all children are able to flourish and experience God’s wonderful world in all its fullness.

Together as a family we aim to love, respect, aspire, trust, show compassion and be resilient.


Our vision is inspired by the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23). We believe, as Jesus taught, that our school prepares the soil (our children) using the tools of our Christian values led environment, worship, culture, aspiration and pastoral care through our carefully selected seeds (opportunities) in our learning opportunities, curriculum and the wider Walmsley Experience.

The growth of the seeds represents how well the soil (our children) have received, nurtured and flourished in our Walmsley family.


 ‘Collective Worship in a Church school should enable every child and adult to flourish and to live life in all its fullness. (John 10:10).  It will help educate for wisdom, knowledge and skills, hope and aspiration, dignity and respect, and developing community and understanding of living well together.


Collective Worship Timetable

Monday Christian Values and Values Celebration Whole School
Tuesday Collective Worship using iSingPOP | Resourcing Schools and Churches to Explore Worship Whole School
Wednesday Hymn Practice Collective Worship Whole School
Thursday Picture News - British Values and Christian Values Class
Friday Ethos Group Lead Worship Whole School


RE Documents

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