Physical Education

Purpose of study

A high-quality physical education curriculum inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. It should provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. Opportunities to compete in sport and other activities build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect


  • The national curriculum for physical education aims to ensure that all pupils:
  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • are physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy, active lives

Teachers aim to provide children with opportunities within P.E to learn to tackle different challenges and problem solve by using a variety of games and sports.  It is important that we offer a wide range of sporting opportunities and games to our children so they are able to better understand what form of physical activity they enjoy in the hope that they will continue to be physically active throughout their life. We aim to provide an environment that allows children to grow their skills and abilities and perform competitively in a safe and controlled environment.  Children will learn how to plan, perform and evaluate actions, ideas and performances to improve their quality and effectiveness either individually or as a team.  We hope that the exposure to different sports, games and challenges allows each child to discover their aptitudes, abilities and preferences, and make choices about how to get involved in lifelong physical activity. We aim to give our children exposure to commonly played British sports that they can if they so wish access easily out of school hours and continue to participate in when they leave us in year 6.  We hope that this will help build on their cultural capital and British values.  We also aim to ensure that our teaching of P.E has a positive effect on, and provides substantial support for, many areas of the curriculum

Physical Education Curriculum Overview

Updated: 22/01/2025 547 KB
Updated: 28/01/2025 121 KB