Hello and welcome to our page for Prospective Parents.
Please find all the Admissions documents below.
Walmsley School: Admissions in September 2023
An application for a place at a Bolton Primary School needs to be made online via Bolton Council’s ‘Citizen Portal’ - https://www.bolton.gov.uk/admissions/primary-school-places-1
The closing date for completed applications is Sunday, 15th January 2023.
If you intend to seek priority allocation of a place at Walmsley School based on regular church attendance, you will also need to complete a Supplementary Information Form (available from the school office and on our website https://www.walmsley.bolton.sch.uk/our-school/school-admissions). On completion this form needs handing to a church warden/church official (who will arrange for the attendance record to be checked/validated prior to sign-off by Rev Hannah/other Minister and onward transmission to the school).
The Supplementary Information Form should ideally be completed and handed in to a church official before the end of September to allow adequate time for checking, etc.
Admissions Documents
Please follow the link to view information from our Out of School Clubs. Please contact them direct for further information.