As a school we pledge to:

  • Be a happy school where pupils are encouraged and challenged to reach their full academic and social potential in a creative, friendly and safe Christian environment

  • Work as a partnership with pupils, their families, staff and the wider community to provide an environment of honesty, responsibility and integrity

  • Give ownership of the opportunities presented to the school family thus enabling them to reflect on their time at Walmsley with pride

Our Vision

In our school our Christian vision shapes all we do. Guided by God, we will provide rich, memorable learning experiences which will build character in each individual child.

We will ensure that all children are able to flourish and experience God’s wonderful world in all its fullness.

Together as a family we aim to love, respect, aspire, trust, show compassion and be resilient.


Our vision is inspired by the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:1-23). We believe, as Jesus taught, that our school prepares the soil (our children) using the tools of our Christian values led environment, worship, culture, aspiration and pastoral care through our carefully selected seeds (opportunities) in our learning opportunities, curriculum and the wider Walmsley Experience.

The growth of the seeds represents how well the soil (our children) have received, nurtured and flourished in our Walmsley family.



 RESILIENCE         TRUST          ASPIRATION          HOPE            RESPECT             LOVE

Term Value Focus Class Links
Autumn 1 Resilience Y1 Simmonds and Y1/2 Rashford
Autumn 2 Trust R Donaldson and Y5 Turing
Spring 1 Aspiration Y2 Farah and Y6 Yousafzai
Spring 2 Hope Y3/4 Moore and Y6 Thunberg
Summer 1 Respect Y3 Attenborough and Y5 Curie
Summer 2 Love R Scheffler and Y4 Nightingale


Each half term we focus on a different value through collective worship  and celebrate pupils achievements on a weekly basis linked to these. 
Each class in school has a class name linked to a person who reflects our values



 We Never Give Up

  • Not giving up, even when things are difficult.
  • Embracing challenge and having a ‘can do’ attitude.
  • Learning from our mistakes.
  • Picking yourself up after a setback and give it another go to succeed.
  • Always trying your best.


Work hard with whole-hearted commitment and resilience always seeking to improve and achieve our best

Mark 2:1-12








We believe in Ourselves and Others

  • How we can trust others to help us
  • How good relationships are built on trust
  • Needing to be open, honest and reliable to develop trust
  • How it is important to reflect on what people say and do when establishing trust
  • Believing in ourselves and others
  • Being truthful and honest
  • Putting out trust in God


To speak with honesty, building strong loyal relationships with confidence.

Genesis 6:9-22







We Aim High

  • Being ambitious (including careers and dreams).
  • Being motivated to aim high and approach every activity with a ‘can do’ attitude.
  • Challenging myself and encouraging others to do well.
  • Working hard to achieve your potential.
  • Never giving up and being determined to do well.


I can do all things through him who strengthens me.

Philippians 4:13













We Have Faith in God

  • Working hard so that we can be the best we can be
  • Helping others who need it in times of difficulty
  • Not giving up, always believing thing will get better
  • Being the beacon of hope for others
  • Having a spirit of openness towards our friendships, learning and future
  • Believing in God helps us have hope


Prepare for the future with great ambition in a bid to reach our full potential.

Luke 23:32-43











We Treat People Fairly

  • Being kind to myself and my friends.
  • Knowing we are unique and valuable and feeling good about ourselves.
  • Listening to others and their ideas.
  • Knowing others are valuable too.
  • Treating others nicely.
  • Treating my surroundings and objects nicely and taking care of them.
  • Following rules and understanding they are there for a purpose.
  • Respecting others people’s religion and culture
  • Being tolerant of other people’s views, religion and culture.


Do for others what you want them to do to you.

Matthew 7:12  








 We are Kind and Compassionate

  • Being kind and caring to others
  • Loving our school community and our world.
  • We treat others the way we’d like to be treated
  • We treat everyone equally and with respect
  • We use kind words, kind thoughts and kind actions
  • We support anyone who needs help
  • Following the example that Jesus has shown us


Be thoughtful and kind in all that we do and help those less fortunate.

Luke 10:25-37