Year 2 Staff

Mrs Naomi Peploe

Year 2 Teacher

Mrs Rachael Orlinski

Mrs Rachael Orlinski

Year 2 Teacher

Mrs Beccy Holt

Mrs Beccy Holt

Year 2 TA



Welcome to Year 2,

We are so excited to be working with your children this year. We really enjoyed meeting you all at the Meet the Teacher session.

We will be sharing information through this platform throughout the year.

From the Year 2 team

Mrs Orlinski, Mrs Peploe and Mrs Holt


Useful Information

Woodland Dates

Please come to school dressed in your woodland clothes. Wellies/welly socks need to be brought in a plastic bag along with gloves and a hat if it is cold or sunhat if it is hot. Unfortunately due to COVID, school is unable to provide water proof pants, a fleece and a water proof coat at present. Please ensure your child has an appropriate coat to wear for the weather. Thank you. We will go out in all weather except if it is icy or very windy. Thank you.


Group Date
Dolphins 5th October 
Seahorses 12th October 
Dolphins tbc
Seahorses tbc

Seahorses tbc
Dolphins tbc


Homework will be set each Friday. It needs to be returned by the following Wednesday, so it can be marked.

You will get 10 spellings to learn, either TT rockstars or Numbots, CGP maths and grammar.

Some children may get phonics sounds to learn as well.

Please read with your child daily.



Alongside our class reading book,  children will be in a reading group.
Your child’s reading days may change during the year as we move children into different reading groups.
 Please can you ensure you read with your child each night and sign their reading records daily. 



Autumn 1/ Gymnastics 

Dolphins Mondays and Fridays

Seahorses Mondays and Tuesdays

Please come to school in your PE Kits on these days. 



School provided a piece of fruit every day, however if you choose to send in a snack, please ensure it is healthy and nut free. 


Long Term Plan Year 2

Updated: 21/09/2022 431 KB


Autumn 1 - TBC

Autumn 2 - Panto Monday 11th December 

Spring 2 - TBC

Useful Documents for Year 2 Parents

Updated: 10/07/2024 560 KB
Updated: 21/06/2024 523 KB
Updated: 21/03/2024 550 KB
Updated: 29/02/2024 334 KB
Updated: 06/12/2023 2.93 MB
Updated: 06/12/2023 649 KB
Updated: 22/11/2023 249 KB
Updated: 24/10/2023 215 KB
Updated: 18/10/2023 229 KB
Updated: 13/09/2023 2.14 MB