Dear Parents,

Our theme for enrichment week (21st May – 24th May) is Healthy Mind, Healthy Body. We have invited Healthy Mind UK into school to run a three-part course, a course that encourages the children to think about their own mental health and how to keep mentally healthy. The details of this course are overleaf. The first part begins on Thursday for Key Stage 2 and the children will be invited (class by class) to enter the Big Brain. Key Stage 1 will attend their first workshop during enrichment week.

The Company have invited parents to come to view ‘The Big Brain’ after school this Thursday 18th at 3:30pm. The ‘Brain’ will be in the hall so please feel free to come and view this.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Miss Browning

Mental Health and Wellbeing Coordinator



Hello and welcome to Healthy Mind UK.

Healthy Mind UK would like to introduce our organisation and provide you with information about our fantastic #BeYou Primary School Project; which will run throughout the 2017/18 academic year.

Healthy Mind UK have recently been into your child’s school and delivered a session called BrainChild; which provided your child with information about how they can look after their brain.

Our unique “6-a-day” brain stimulation method involves children looking at what tasks they are doing and what brain parts they are using for that task. This will give your child the ability to look at what brain parts they are using the most, how they can develop their brain by using certain parts more and will also get them consciously thinking about their brain health on a day to day basis.

We kindly recommend that the hard work that ourselves and your child’s school are doing can also continue at home. We have created a poster in which you can use to help your child in developing all their brain parts. This can be used as a guide and provides you with a few tips to help them develop their brain and in turn keep their mind healthy. It is completely up to you how much you do with your child on a week by week basis. Here at Healthy Mind; we believe that the more you do the more your child will benefit!

Your child will have been provided with a tracker which we gave to their school to track what tasks they are doing and what brain parts they are using. You can use this or kindly ask the school for a new one or even email us at and provide your name and what school your child is at. We would gladly send you one to help you in helping your child develop their mind.

Let’s work together and make the children of the future grow up with the tools and skills to look after their brain.


Kind Regards,

The Healthy Mind UK Team.